One reprogrammed bohrok from each of the six elements are examined.
More efficient Metru seeds are mapped out.
Parts of Terau are studied and replicated. These protodites also contain his consciousness, and once copied, they adapt to replace the rest of him. It appears as though they can clone Terau, and teach him to mimic various things.
The Elemental capabilities are examined, and a model is created.
These Metru seeds are made.
They show him the ammo types, and how they are made.
Prototype clockwork Boxor mechs for each bohrok element are designed.
Those Metru seeds are sent out.
Terau is introduced to the Boxor mechs. "Ok, this is getting to be a little too much for one day... can I take a break and practice what I've learned?" The scientists agree.
The Elemental capabilities are examined, and a model is created.
These Metru seeds are made.
They show him the ammo types, and how they are made.
Prototype clockwork Boxor mechs for each bohrok element are designed.
Those Metru seeds are sent out.
Terau is introduced to the Boxor mechs. "Ok, this is getting to be a little too much for one day... can I take a break and practice what I've learned?" The scientists agree.
Prototype clockwork Boxor mechs for each bohrok element are designed.
Those Metru seeds are sent out.
Terau is introduced to the Boxor mechs. "Ok, this is getting to be a little too much for one day... can I take a break and practice what I've learned?" The scientists agree.
The prototypes for the Boxor-Nuva are built.
A new type of ammo is intented; Stun field!
Blueprints for the Cyber-Gukko/Kahu are drawn.
They are tested, and better blueprints are made.
Kakama jets are incorporated into the Kahu's energetic flight capability.
A new type of aerodynamic shielding system is drawn out for both the Gukko and Kahu.
"Your perception of time is off, forgive us for not keeping up."
"Well, I'm not really going anywhere in specific. Just wandering. I stopped getting orders."
"Don't worry, you're not going haywire." One tries to predict his words. "There just appears to be a mix up in time around your speech recognition and formation, it shouldn't be too serious."